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New Series: Sermon on the Mount

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When Jesus started preaching, he announced there was a new Kingdom in town and everyone was welcome to join. But what exactly was he inviting them to? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus lays out God’s vision for a whole new kind of world. In a way this sermon is his manifesto, his charter, his declaration for a new way of life. But it’s far more surprising, beautiful and astonishing than any human system could ever be. Over the next several months, we’re taking a deep dive into the kind of world that comes to life when Jesus followers bring God’s Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.

Our Sermon on the Mount series will be divided into multiple sections with the first installment being on The Beatitudes. Join us as we live-stream on Sundays at 10am beginning July 26! Details on how to tune in live here.

Remember that you can also join Gathering Groups at any time, where we discuss the sermons each week via Zoom in a setting of sharing, learning and growing together. Gathering Groups meet on Tuesdays at 6:30pm & Wednesdays at 10am, and are open to anyone, wherever you are in the world!

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