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Blood and Water

• Greg Boyd

Baptism and Communion are important sacraments to the Christian community. In this sermon, Greg shows us how the Anabaptists understood these sacraments and how Woodland Hills performs these today. wh-bug

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Topics: Anabaptism, Baptism, Communion, Covenant

Sermon Series: Kindred

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4 thoughts on “Blood and Water

  1. Jill says:

    We were in the process of leaving the Catholic church while my son was going through his First Communion. The Director of Faith Formation at the church was so strict, we called her the Christian sergeant. So, when my son had Communion for the first time at WH it was very funny. He turned to me and said “Mom, what do I do, how do I hold my hands, what do I say, how do I stand?” I said all you have to do here is love Jesus. His shoulders dropped as he relaxed himself and said “well that’s easy”.

    Thank you Woodland Hills and Greg Boyd for making Communion so special yet so simple.

  2. sarah says:

    As i have been reading the book of Jeremiah, i am seeing the multitude of Gods love for us! Mercy Mercy, Mercy! Just as we will each have to stand before God individually and answer for all we have done and what we have done with his son, i beleive we each have to answer for ourselves if our lives are right with God. There are scriptures that are straight to the point: Abide in my love, If you love me you will walk as Jesus walked, we are saved by grace not by works, man looks at the outward apperance but God looks at the heart, out of the mouth flows what is in the heart……

  3. Jesse says:

    I would like to access the presentation slides, but am not able to

  4. RAR says:

    Greg, you are too wise and savvy to present such a simplistic version of history where the Anabaptists were/are completely right and every other Christian “tribe” was/is completely wrong. It’s much more complicated than that. There were/are thoughtful, Biblical, theological reasons that that many Christian traditions supported/support the baptism of infants – it didn’t have only to do with complicity with state governments. And after being Biblical re: your understanding of Baptism, why not follow suit in understanding Communion: Jesus said “this _is_ my body/blood” not this symbolizes or points to them.

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