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Feb 19 2013 • Greg Boyd

Throughout church history, Anabaptists have sought to follow Jesus in radical ways. We are growing to see ourselves as part of this family, and during the Kindred series we will learn about distinctive Anabaptist qualities that are consistent throughout their tradition. We’ll also explore what a connection with Anabaptists may mean – and what it won’t mean – for our church body as we seek to follow Jesus.

Sermons in this series:

Kindred Q&A

• Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy

We held a Q&A night to wrap up our Kindred sermon series on Tuesday, April 17, 2013. Woodland Hills recently started moving in a direction toward Anabaptism and this series was a way to unpack what that meant for us as a church and to educate those that attend here about the history of the tradition. Once the series was over, people brought any further questions to this Q&A night. The total length of the file is about an hour and a half.

Topics: Anabaptism

Seeking Shalom

• Greg Boyd

All of us seek for peace in our lives, but peace is just a small part of God’s shalom. Shalom is right relatedness between us and God, each other, and creation. In this sermon, Greg shows how the Anabaptists seek after shalom in every part of their lives and how we can seek after shalom as well.

Topics: Anabaptism, Conflict, Creation Care, Relationships

What Do You Have to Offer?

• Steve Wiens

We often define ourselves according to what we have to offer this world. But what happens when what we have to offer isn’t enough? In this sermon, Steve Wiens shows us how our wounds and inability to offer something can actually be used by God in glorious ways.

Topics: Anabaptism, Hope, Identity in Christ, Power

Blood and Water

• Greg Boyd

Baptism and Communion are important sacraments to the Christian community. In this sermon, Greg shows us how the Anabaptists understood these sacraments and how Woodland Hills performs these today.

Topics: Anabaptism, Baptism, Communion, Covenant

We The Church

• Greg Boyd

The Anabaptists saw that the building is not the Church. God wants to dwell on this Earth, but it is not in a building. It is in his people. In this sermon, Greg shows how we are to demonstrate the beauty of the Church in our lives.

Topics: Anabaptism, Community, Power, Role of Women

The Twist

• Greg Boyd

When you read a book with a twist ending, the ending reframes the entire story. The Bible is no different. In this sermon, Greg shows how Jesus’ message reframes how we are to understand the Bible, and he shows us why the Anabaptists shared this belief.

Topics: Anabaptism, Conflict, Nationalism, Non-Violence


• Greg Boyd

Throughout Scripture, we see a strong emphasis on positive traditions in the Church. In both the Old and New Testament, God repeatedly calls his people to be anchored with a sense of history. In this sermon, Greg explains why the Anabaptist tradition is closest to Woodland Hills.

Topics: Anabaptism, Calling, Community, Nationalism


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– Renae