In our second week of Heart Smart we look at the New Testament teaching on reigning over the relational brain. Understanding how God wired our brains can help us to learn how to take our thoughts captive to Christ.
In our second week of Heart Smart we look at the New Testament teaching on reigning over the relational brain. Understanding how God wired our brains can help us to learn how to take our thoughts captive to Christ.
Topics: Conflict, Love, Relationships
Sermon Series: Heart Smart
This message was wonderful and wholly significant on so many levels. One of the determining (and often controversial) aspects of brain chemistry is the relationship that “Serotonin” plays in the inducement of mood. Serotonin works as a neurotransmitter and is manufactured both in the brain and in the gastrointestinal tract. Serotonin levels in the body have been linked to social behavior, depression, sexual desire, sleep, memory and even empathy. (SSRI’s) – Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors such as Fluoxetine and Paroxetine (antidepressants) are often prescribed by doctors to counter the effects of severe depression by inhibiting the re-absorption of Serotonin, thus increasing the levels in the body and improving one’s overall mood by helping the brain cells to send and receive messages more clearly. However, if levels accumulate too much, “Serotonin syndrome” can develop causing a whole host of problems.
But here’s the thing, “if” one postulates that brain chemistry alone dictates or controls to a greater degree our morality as individuals, then some (and I’m not saying Sue or Greg are doing this!) jump to the conclusion that the moral and ethical judgments that we make are essentially beyond our control and more or less physiologically pre-determined by that particular chemistry. But when Paul writes in Romans 2:15 –
“in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them”
Scripture shows us that it is not only brain chemistry that can modulate and modify empathetic behavior, but the Holy Spirit as well. Studies using the compound “Citalopram” have shown that individuals can have their aggressive impulses curbed significantly, but it is the awareness and acknowledgement of the presence of God in our lives that truly ameliorates those impulsive Amygdala responses. When individuals are exposed to long term levels of stress and abuse, amounts of adrenal hormones, such as epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol are increased by Amygdala activation. This can lead to a dysfunction and even permanent damage to the limbic system.
I am convinced though, that it is only through the power of “Cross-Like Love” that a real and lasting healing can take place in the minds of those who have been psychologically wounded by life.
This is the essences of the Adverse Childhood Experience Study, better known as the ACE Study.An overdose and/or long term exposure to norepinephrine and cortisol in the developing brain can and will cause brain cell damage! Those interested in brain research and the effects of brain chemistry on early childhood and adolescent brain development, I highly recommend Googling “ACE Study”. It is deeply rooted in building healthy/therapeutic communities based on love. You know…”Love others as I have loved you.”
The ACE Study is being re-cognized by many state and local governments and is causing quite a stir…a stir that the church should be a part of if not leading the way.
Ask not what is wrong with you? But, rather, ask what happened to you?
Yes…at Higher Ground we teach four spiritual/psychological practices that dramatically bring brain healing over time. They are: Centering prayer leading to the contemplative state; meditation on truth; confession of sin at five levels–down to the root causes; correction of whatever was confessed. This leads to Identification Atonement.