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Christmas Beyond the Pattern

• Greg Boyd

The pattern of Christmas is to buy gifts for people that usually are not needed items. In this sermon, we look at the book of James and how faith must be found in our actions to the poorest of the poor, and an alternative to the usual pattern of Christmas is given. wh-bug

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Topics: Faith, Generosity, Sacrifice

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5 thoughts on “Christmas Beyond the Pattern

  1. Jill says:

    This was so good, thank you! You set up how James probably felt living in the shadows of Jesus so well. To believe Jesus is real through James’ eyes is so compelling. (Did you change the name of this message from Saturday?)
    And “worthless religion”, it’s so widespread. That’s what I like about WH, people seem more passionate.

  2. Teresa says:

    yes yes yes!

    “In the normal thinking of the world you first take care of yourself…and then if you have left-overs you give them away. That’s the normal way of doing it… but that’s not the Kingdom way. In the Kingdom the whole divide between us and them falls apart because there is no “us and them.” In the Kingdom those are our brothers and sisters that are hungry. Those are our brothers and sisters that are homeless. And so right from the get go we’re asking how do we help and serve. …its about sacrifice.The Kingdom is about sacrifice.”


  3. Holly says:

    Yes, years ago my heart was struck by the craziness of stressing over giving Christmas gifts to family and friends who have everything they need. I thought,”This cannot be what Jesus would have in mind for my heart during this season of celebrating his entrance into our world.”
    I decided to let family and friends know that I would give, in their name, to the charity of their choice. Each person thought about which charity they would like to receive a gift in their name and I wrote a letter to the charity explaining the gift and included a check. Often times the charity would send a thank you to the family member or friend. It has been an awesome way of giving for over 7 years now. It is much more satisfying for everyone than cruising the malls for “gee gaws” that no one can remember receiving 2 months after Christmas has passed.

  4. Lynn says:

    Holly – what a great idea!

  5. markmw says:

    Your messages, Greg, are like your brother.
    Larger than this life.

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