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She Said, He Heard

• Greg Boyd

The topic for our third week in the Heart Smart series is communication. Communication is the essence of all relationships and as such, it is a very important aspect of who we are as image bearers of Christ. We should see communication as a Kingdom activity worth learning to do well. wh-bug

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Topics: Conflict, Judgment, Relationships

Sermon Series: Heart Smart

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4 thoughts on “She Said, He Heard

  1. Anders Van Vestern says:

    I thought the Pink Floyd icon on cartoon Greg’s t-shirt was right on the “money.” Kudos the the graphic artist responsible.

  2. kevin says:

    The work involved in getting in on another’s Map is so profoundly difficult for me that i have simply had to limit my relationships to two; my mom and one friend. i’m just simply not willing to go through this with everyone i know. it’s much simpler to be alone.

  3. Dave Pritchard says:

    There are good examples of “Country Western Speed Metal Bands” out there –

    Sometimes musical “cross-genre” works! And other times, well……not so hot! Ha!


    Wow, that’s some intense introspection! I hear ya bro. But remember no matter how messed up our own mentally tangled map matrix might happen to be, (speaking for myself – ha!) we are still “One in the Lord”. I think we can love, empathize and respect one another without stepping too deep into each other’s heads – but granted, it’s a tricky business! We can and should “bear one another’s burdens” – Galatians 6:2, but I think one could potentially go mad attempting to dissect the rationality of those we “think” we know well. So your caution that your comment suggests, is well-metered. Acknowledging the fact that someone’s “map” [of life experience and thus “reality”] is severely different than our own, is enough to start traveling with that person down some common pathways.

  4. Sari Eliza says:

    Bumping up this message I’ve been lightly skimming, admittedly speaking, and I have a challenge for Greg Boyd! Everyone else has permission as well:

    If the Devil intends to destroy, then why not destroy our ability to speak? No words, body language, etc. (see video 19:14) This particular problem may actually go deeper as there are, yes, some people that are Mentally Incapable of self-awareness and/or independent choice. How can we decode them if there’s no code to decode? Does that mean they have no relationship for us, or even worse, no way of receiving God’s Salvation? How can they really communicate back to God at all??

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