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To Have Or Not To Have

• Greg Boyd

Greg was careful to be clear that his challenge was primarily to those in the lower middle class of America and higher. However the principles apply to all of us: Don’t hoard the things of this world, but rather share generously with those who have less than we do.

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There were lots of statistics and numbers in today’s message. Greg talked about how this is sometimes necessary to help us grasp the big picture. The big picture Greg was after today is that if you are in the lower middle class in America or higher, you are affluent by global and historical standards. It may not seem like it because you know people who make significantly more than you do, but all the same, many more people on Earth fall far short of the resources you have.

Greg was careful to be clear that his challenge was primarily to those in the lower middle class of America and higher. However the principles apply to all of us: Don’t hoard the things of this world, but rather share generously with who have less than we do.

Most of us here in America are among the world’s richest 20% of the population. And this 20% consumes 76.6% of the resources. Obviously, this is enormously unfair. It becomes even more unfair when the consequences of this imbalance are that the world’s poorest 20% are left with only 1.5% of the resources and they are devastated by lack of food, clean water and shelter. The dividing line is stark, 80% of the world lives on less than $10 a day. If that’s not you, then you are among the world’s 20% at the top, believe it or not!

Scripture is clear on this situation. Read through the passages listed in today’s key Scriptures and discuss the questions below.

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Topics: Generosity, Pain & Suffering, Poverty

Sermon Series: Compassion by Command

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Focus Scripture:

  • Matthew 25:35-36

    For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

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