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Treasure: Spend it Well

• Greg Boyd

God lovingly entrusts us with money, possessions, and resources. As followers of Christ we are called to surrender all our gifts to the Lordship of Christ. Because God is an other-oriented God who lovingly pours out blessings, and we are made in His image, then we too should be people who use our resources to bless others. wh-bug

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Topics: Blessings, Generosity, Money

Sermon Series: Entrusted

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2 thoughts on “Treasure: Spend it Well

  1. Esther O'Connor says:

    Hi there,
    Thanks for this podcast… I feel challenged!

    One follow up message I would love to hear is also a kingdom perspective on what we do spend and the impact it has on the climate and the poor of this world. Our consumer world is such a complex web of injustice that most of the time negatively impacts the poor and the planet. Everything from our banking, insurances, pensions, the clothes we buy made on the back of exploitative labour, so we can buy it cheap, the food that we eat, the coffee and wine that we drink that was picked and packaged by the poor and them flown half way around the world and badly effecting the climate and the state of the planet, the conflict minerals in our gadgets etc etc etc. For instance, I don’t believe that the products that we buy are a blessing from God if they were made in a using exploitative labour which, unless labeled “fair trade”, or “ethically sourced” is usually the case, or if they add to the destruction of the planet. I’d like to hear more Christians challenged to shift their money to an ethical bank like tridos that doesn’t invest in fossel fuels, wepons/ arms etc and challenged to shop locally (rather than big fast food chains) choose organic, less meat and other options that are good for the dire state the planet is in…. I feel that as Christians we have to wake up to how knee deep we are in the destruction that our unrestricted consumer lifestyles have had on the planet and the poor. Our affluence can be very violent and have a direct and destructive effect on the planet and the poor (the popes encyclical on climate change is a great challenge to the Christian world but I feel we need to hear more…) I’d love to hear you on this Greg in reference to kingdom finances and also a life of non violence in the image of Christ… Anyway, sorry for the rant and thanks for all the amazing teaching week after week. Esther xx

    “Bless purse, bless and don’t curse”

  2. Dave PRITCHARD says:

    Love Greg’s shirt….

    It’s interesting though that Pink Floyd did so well financially after releasing ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ but then, through some misguided investments of their royalties into ‘venture capital’ via NWG – North Warburg Group, they nearly filed for bankruptcy and hit the skids. But things turned around for them Big Time with the release of
    ‘The Wall’ and the rest is history. When Rick Wright died a few years back, he left over 24 million to his children.

    “Money it’s a Gas……”

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