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When Conflict Burns

• Seth McCoy

In this second message of the Flesh and Blood series, Seth describes the unceasing realities of conflict not only in the world in which we live, but also in our own lives; our own relationships, and our own hearts. Walls of conflict exist all around us, and those walls are torn down because one man chose to die. Through Christ’s death, the walls of conflict and separation are torn down. As the head of the church (that is Christ) leads the body (that is the church), the conflicts that divide the world are torn down and truth, justice, mercy and peace become embodied. wh-bug

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Topics: Conflict, Kingdom of God, Reconciliation, Spiritual Warfare

Sermon Series: Flesh and Blood

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One thought on “When Conflict Burns

  1. Jason says:

    Great message Seth. Of course, the attribute most lacking in the Church recently is Truth (in the logical, reasonable, on the ground sense). When Truth is lacking, Peace is confused with soft-mindedness and Justice confused with trivial matters.

    Unfortunately, it’s going to take a bit more than self-awareness to wake church-goers up. An entire generation is exhausted by the circular logic and cavalier attitudes of Church leadership (particularly in the evangelical) and Christians in general toward those who are emotionally vulnerable. You won’t be hearing much from them, because they’ve already left and are not looking back. Perhaps the church should be seeking those kind of people out and asking them why they are so disgruntled. The answers might be more nuanced than expected.

    I agree, however, that when all of the important attributes/virtues are balanced, we can all move forward together.

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