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Christmas Lights

Dec 04 2022 • Dan Kent, Greg Boyd, Shawna Boren

Plugging in Christmas lights is magical—the way those tiny bulbs light up a dark room. In this series we look at how the birth of a tiny Jewish boy lit up our dark world. His everlasting covenant shines in the dark of instability. His purpose for us shines in the dark of meaninglessness. His presence shines in the dark of loneliness. His hope shines in the dark of grief. Join us for this series as we celebrate Jesus, light of the world!

Sermons in this series:

The Light of Hope

• Greg Boyd

Hope sets the course for our lives, as our hope determines our daily actions. But often we go through life putting our hope in that which has no ultimate importance. Christmas redefines hope, showing us what is ultimately valuable, and it demonstrates how God transforms our lives and the entire world.

Topics: Faith, Hope, Salvation

Destination: Known

• Dan Kent

We are meant to live with meaning, but our world seems to offer meanings that ultimately fail to measure up to their promises. Jesus came into the world to give us meaning, the kind of meaning that can only be found from knowing the destination of the journey of life.

Topics: Calling, Christmas, Culture, Free Will

God’s Perfect Peace

• Greg Boyd

At Christmas time, we announce the coming of the Prince of Peace. Yet we look around at our world and peace appears to be the last thing that describes our situation. What does Christ’s peace look like in the midst of the tumult and chaos that we experience on a daily basis?

Topics: God's Will, Presence of God, Salvation


"My counselor zeroed in on the root causes of my anxiety, explaining the mechanisms of why I was feeling the way I was, and what to do about it. She was very loving and compassionate and approached my situation with a technical mindset as well. A very rare combination."

– Lay Counseling participant