Need to reach someone who works at Woodland? You’ve come to the right place. 651-287-2096
Becky manages Cultivate Class details, helps pull off all-church events and keeps our database up and running. The best part of her job is helping people find connections outside of Sunday services. Becky has worked in every department at Woodland except the Worship Team. 651-287-3008
Charley helps get the word out about all things Woodland to our congregation, visitors and the wider community. He’s on the team that plans our weekend services, and helps guide the work that goes into our online, print and audio/video materials. He’s also quite a bit taller than he looks in his picture.
At church, Dan spends his time developing sermons and classes with the Teaching Team. At home, Dan hangs out with Barbara, writes poetry or constructs hilarious jokes for Twitter. 651-287-2717
Daniel serves the youth and young adults of Woodland with music, teaching, creative experiences and dad jokes. The highlight of his role is connecting with young people and helping them explore tough questions. He can talk your ear off about the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse. 651-287-2714
Emily is the woman behind the curtain at Echo and you can catch her running from task to task keeping everything on schedule. She loves being able to see the Echo students grow into beautiful, intelligent, unique people. Emily is never short of Seinfeld references. 651-287-2047
If it has to do with words, Emily’s probably involved. She tells stories for the blog, edits the website, answers your emails and writes scripts for our videos. Her favorite things include nailing the perfect sentence and going down research rabbit holes. 651-287-2049
Erica manages toddlers and infants during Sunday services. Because she’s responsible for getting crafts ready, her weeks involve lots of crayons, glue and googly eyes. She loves spicy food. 651-287-2704
Gary pops up everywhere as a member of the Facilities Team as well as a leader for The Corner Shelf, Mondays Together and the Welcome Team. He cares a lot about connecting with people who come to Woodland feeling lost, because that was his own story. Gary loves to spend time on the North Shore. 651-487-0001
Greg is the primary teaching pastor and vision-caster for Woodland. Greg is also known for his love of yoga, running, drumming, dancing and going on long walks with Gracie, his pet Morkie. 651-287-2077
Hannah is our jack-of-all trades designer. She’s got her fingers in many pies, including: branding, signage, website graphics, set designs and sermon animations. When she’s not designing, she’s cooking up a storm in the kitchen and evangelizing the deliciousness of meatless meals. 651-287-2086
Janice looks at the big picture at Woodland and makes sure that our theology gets applied in each of the ministries. She’s a problem-solver and a strategist, and passionate about putting Woodland’s vision into momentum. Janice buys yarn in bulk and knits a new blanket every two weeks. 651-287-2043
Jodi does a little of everything: finances, business operations, HR, IT and office management. On any given day, she could be listening to theological discussions, reviewing legal documents, processing lumber purchase receipts or binding Echo student booklets. Jodi and her husband have “empty nest” jobs working in the Twins ticket office at Target Field. 651-287-2702
Jon oversees technology at the church including audio engineering, video production, stage lighting, computer network and computers. He is busiest on the weekends managing staff and volunteers, directing the livestream and keeping things running smoothly from the booth. Jon is passionate about his plant-based diet, drives an electric car and likes to hike and kayak. 651-287-3014
If you’re watching a Heroes Gate or Echo video, Josh most likely helped create it. He’s definitely not Patty the Penguin, no matter how many kids insist that he is. If you shout, “Do a flip!” he will do a backflip, unless he’s tired from doing too many on Sunday mornings. 651-287-2078
Kara leads the Catalyst and Adult Volunteer teams at Echo, as well as supporting Journey Groups and teaching on Wednesday nights on occasion. Along with loving Jesus and youth, she is a self-proclaimed nerd and thinks that one of the most magnificent places to see God’s glory is in the stars. 651-287-2069
Karyn produces weekly videos for ages 3-5, helps with family events, and can be seen in Story Fort each Sunday teaching 3-5 year old kiddos how they fit into God’s story. She loves using her imagination in everything she does—but when it comes down to it, she’s all about pens. Pens are her favorite. 651-287-2097
Kevin is passionate about heart-healing, spiritual formation and reaching out beyond Woodland’s doors with good news, compassion and justice initiatives. He does this through developing classes, directing our online discipleship school, and stewarding Sojourners, our missional-community network. He loves nerdy books on theology, psychology and early church history. 651-287-2058
Kinsey is in charge of all things food-related at The Corner Shelf including orders, receiving and distribution. She is passionate about feeding people but as a self-declared “not great cook” loves that she gets to do it this way. Kinsey is a big Iron Man fan. 651-287-2055
Lesley is the staff “bean counter” taking care of offering counts, the donor database and all accounting. For years, Lesley has also facilitated Woodland’s Healing Journey classes and loves to watch the Spirit at work transforming lives. Lesley is a big nature lover and she can’t watch a movie without also crocheting. 651-287-2072
Mary is the family pastor and the point person for live events. She produces Sunday services, overseeing all the moving pieces both inside the auditorium and out in the children’s halls. Basically, Sunday morning is her jam. Mary loves movie theater popcorn: extra butter, extra salt, light on the popcorn.