This sermon covers the problem of science vs. faith and the supposed division between the two that often drives away people from the church. Dan Kent proposes a solution to resolve the differences, showing us how the two can work together and complement one another.
In this sermon, Emily Morrison looks at what happens right after Jesus feeds the 5000 to point out the importance of raising questions about our faith. She offers an explanation of three phases of our faith journey that allow us to embrace the questions and find a way through them by ultimately bringing them to Jesus.
Is it possible to claim to know any absolute truth in an age in which everything is heading in the direction of relativism? In this sermon, Greg gives us three reasons to take relativism seriously and understand why people might think it plausible.
In this sermon, Greg provides an introduction to a new series on the reason why we believe in and follow Christ. He surveys why this topic is important and some of the various questions that we will explore in the series. Then Greg explains the foundation of his faith that he worked out when he was wresting with questions of … Read More
Jesus claimed that the entire Bible was about him, that he is the center of the Scriptures. This claim requires us to conclude that he was crazy or that he was correct. And if the latter, then we must decide what to do with such a claim.
This sermon introduces the Sermon on the Mount by asking why we should trust the words of Jesus found in Matthew 5-7. Jesus addresses big life questions and if we don’t know why we should trust his answers, then we might place the authority of others on par with that of Jesus. Christ is the expert of all experts, which … Read More
On Wednesday, January 22 we wrapped up our Questioning the Bible series with a Q&A hosted by Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy. In addition to the two-part sermon series, Greg and Paul go deeper in this Q&A and answer some questions about Greg’s book, Inspired Imperfection, in which the series was based.
This week we look at how our scars, mistakes and imperfections (and even painful tattoos) all tell a story of God breathing and interacting, and enhancing the beauty of an imperfect thing.
In this first installment of a 2-part series centering around Greg’s new Inspired Imperfection book we look at what it means for scripture to be “God breathed.” Additionally, we explore to the potential consequences of keeping or removing the bible as an authoritative source in the life of a follower of Jesus. Greg makes the case that far from detracting … Read More
We often say that Jesus is the “mighty God,” but what exactly does that mean? How did he come and put on display the might of God? What does the Christmas story tell us about God’s might? The answers to these questions don’t fit common conventional thinking, but if we don’t understand the way that Jesus lived out the might … Read More