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Topic: Imagination

Who or What Do You Worship?

This sermon addresses the meaning of worship and what causes a person to express their praise to God. Greg also explains why worship is so crucial to our life in God and what it means to worship God in our daily lives with how we act on a day-to-day basis.

The Lamb at the Center

In this sermon, Greg Boyd introduces chapter 5 of Revelation where we read about the vision of the slain lamb. This lamb unveils the nature of God’s character in a surprising way, as typically God is depicted as having lion-like character, but instead the slain lamb shows us what God is really like, how God works in the world and … Read More 

Upgrade Your Umwelt

In this sermon, Greg challenges us to upgrade our umwelt. He expands on what Emily introduced in the previous week, and provides three practical ways that we can increase our ability to see God and enter into the knowledge of his transcendent glory.

Don’t be a Mantis Shrimp

John was invited to enter a door to see into the throne room of God. This was not a physical seeing. It was a spiritual experience, where he saw into another dimension of reality. What does it mean to see into this other world, to experience God in this distinctly different way? This sermon, by Emily Morrison, encourages us to … Read More 

Beyond the Mirror

Our understanding of God is often controlled by our projections upon him. How, then, do we actually attain a more accurate picture of who he actually his? This sermon seeks to address this question by helping us think through our experiences of parenting and how those experiences influence our view of God’s nature.

Imagine This

The imagination plays a central role in the spirituality of most ancient people-groups. God is still speaking today in this way today, but we’ve lost the art of hearing because we don’t take our imagination seriously.

Being Married to God

This sermon employs the image of us sitting next to God in a marriage counseling session so that we might view God as our marriage partner and grow in love with each other.

Listen Up Q&A

This final teaching in the Listen Up series is a Q&A that speaks to the practical implications about listening to God’s voice in our daily lives.

Tuning In

God is still speaking, offering an invitation to dialogue with him. However, this dialogue will be as unique as you as an individual are. The question for us is whether not we will take up this challenge and learn how to listen, or if we will simply go with the status quo.

New Normal

This weekend we discussed how God’s voice gets drowned out by the background noise of our day-to-day lives, and also about how once we tune into God’s voice, we find that the kingdom of God is defined by the love of the “other.”

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"Thank you to everyone who serves in the prayer ministry. I have been deeply blessed by the time spent in prayer with TRIO."

– Megan, from Texas