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Nothing to Lose

May 20 2018 • Greg Boyd

The Bible tells us that we’ll be blessed if we’re generous and treat others with justice. During Nothing to Lose, we’ll look at the biblical theme of generosity and explore some of the common obstacles to living generously that are deeply rooted in our culture. Contentment, gratitude and trust in God are much more important to our Kingdom lives than all the things we cling to. We have a lot to gain and nothing to lose by living generously!

Sermons in this series:

Master vs. Master

• Greg Boyd

Our culture tells us that success means gaining more money and more possessions. But the Kingdom that Jesus summons us into rejects this system. In the second week of our “Nothing to Lose” series, Greg shows us that in God’s Kingdom, our treasure is stored up when we give it away.

Topics: Culture, Generosity, Greed, Kingdom of God, Money

The Treasure of Contentment

• Greg Boyd

In this first sermon in our new 'Nothing to Lose' series, we explore contentment and generosity. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements and not so subtle innuendo that we should be discontent with what we have. This environment we find ourselves in strongly challenges the kingdom call to live out of a center of contentment and cultivate a heart full of generosity. In this message we explore what the Bible says about these topics as well as how they apply to our 21st century setting.

Topics: Culture, Faithfulness, Generosity, Greed


"It's been so supportive to have a journey group leader since 7th grade that I have made a lasting relationship with for 6 years. She has helped me grow in my faith and has been there to check in!"

– Laura, high school student