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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

The Spirit of the Disciplines

• Seth McCoy

In this second installment of the Formed series, Seth explores what it is that holds us back as followers of Christ, or creates a gap between the person we want to be and know is inside of us and who actually are. We know that Jesus wants to give us an abundant life, but our reality is often one of spiritual scarcity and daily bondage to destructive ideas and behaviors. In this message we examine what it looks like to surrender our will and trust in our heavenly Father.

Topics: Discipleship, God's Will, Power

The Priesthood of All Believers

• Greg Boyd

Ministry is not the work of seminarians or professionals. It is the job of each and every one of us. Jesus is the Hope of the World. But God is not coming to rescue us out of the world; he is rescuing the world through us. Today, Greg urges us to find our particular passion or gift and get to work!

Topics: Calling, God's Will, Kingdom of God

Choosing Hospitality

• Seth McCoy

God clearly shows amazing hospitality towards us from Genesis through Revelation, and yet we rejected Jesus, and we continue to reject countless others day by day. We have a superiority issue that Jesus confronted throughout his ministry, and he taught us to live a better way. It’s time for us to learn and practice some genuine hospitality!

Topics: Love, Relationships, Sacrifice

When God Fills His Temple

• Greg Boyd

In this first sermon of our Throughline series, Greg reflects on our history as a church, and reaffirms our central theme of Love: our first and last and only job here on earth is to do all things in love. Just as love provides purpose to a marriage, it provides our mission as a church, as well as to us as individuals as part of the body of Christ.

Topics: God's Will, Identity in Christ, Love

Mixtape: Luke 10:2-11, 17-20

• Greg Boyd

In this final installment of our Mixtape series, Greg Boyd explores the theological and practical ramifications of spiritual warfare in the lives of the earliest followers of Jesus and how that applies to our lives today. We find critical principles for lifestyle warfare in the account in Luke 10:1-18 that provide practical ways to live out the beauty of the Kingdom of God in everyday life encounters.

Topics: Evangelism, Judgment, Spiritual Warfare

Mixtape: Matthew 28:16-20

• Seth McCoy

In this sixth installment of the mixed tape series, Seth shares his experience with the church’s call to make disciples of all the nations. As followers of Jesus, we are called on to learn and receive our Father’s heart so that not only will we know Him better, but so that we can express His heart for the broken world through our lives.

Topics: Discipleship, Kingdom of God

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"Woodland Hills family, thank you so much for everything you all do. My life is blessed by your teaching and technology. I know there are so many behind the scenes people. "

– Denise