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New Series: Seeking Christmas

Throughout Jesus’ life, people were always seeking him; some for healing, some for hope, some for answers. The first of these seekers arrived at his manger on that very first night. The seekers included outcasts and foreigners, rich and poor, young and old, the devout and not-so-devout, the widow at the bottom of society, the king at the top of society and everyone in between. Read More 

Grateful Heart Recap 2024

This year’s Grateful Heart event, as with previous years, went splendidly! The three themes of Becoming, God’s Presence and Wonder set the tone and helped us think more about gratitude. Read More 

Echolympics 2024

Last Wednesday, our Echo students had their annual Echolympics event, in which Red vs. Blue teams take over the Gathering Area and engage in friendly competition! Read More 

Gathering Groups Talk Wrath

“Wrath” is a word that evokes strong emotion, so as we worked our way through the Wrath of the Lamb series, we wanted to see how some of y’all were processing this word. Read More 

Afternoon of Music and Generosity

“We are so grateful to Woodbury Chorus & Orchestra for putting on this beautiful concert and to Woodland Hills for hosting it. It was a wonderful afternoon of music and generosity!” Read More 

Family Hangout Pizza Party

Heroes Gate isn’t just about the kiddos, it’s also about the whole family. So, every other month, we connect parents and kids through Family Hangouts. Read More 

A Post-Election Letter

Hi folks, Well, the election is over and as a country, changes are likely coming. But for Jesus followers, our fundamental reality hasn’t changed. Read More 

Settled Presentation

Coming up next week, join our partner ministry Settled for A Shared Way of Life Presentation! Settled founder, Gabrielle Clowdus, will give the presentation on the Full Community model for breaking homelessness. Read More 

Thanks for Crafting Stars!

This past Sunday, we invited you all to come and help us cut out stars for our Winter Stage Design! 🌟✂️ We had a great turnout, and it was fun to see so many chatting, snacking and crafting away in North A. Read More 

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"We have been podrishioners for several months. Our daughter, son-in-law and grandkids moved back to California after living in MN for 10 years. They attended Woodland Hills for about a year before they moved. Now we all go to the beach together on Thursdays, come home and have dinner together, then we watch last Sunday’s sermon together. It is a special day for our family."

– Dale and Patricia, from California