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One Fund Campaign

Due to historic inequities, the work of local African American churches and ministries are have been disproportionately impacted by the recent crises in our Twin Cities. We want to partner with our brothers and sisters to help ensure they can continue providing critical life-giving spiritual and practical service and support to their communities. Read More 

Racism and Reconciliation: Learning Resources

The history of racial injustice can be overwhelming, but we want to be a part a future that better reflects the Kingdom of God. Change takes time, and there is much to learn and discuss – especially for those of us who are white. We’re abundantly thankful for the diversity of people who call Woodland Hills their church home. But as a predominantly white church, we want to provide resources for our people to wrestle with these issues. Read More 

Grieving Together

Grief. Lament. Sorrow. For two weeks we have explored these emotions during our Sunday services. Now we feel the weight of them even more as we mourn the killing of George Floyd. And for many in our community, feelings of anger, confusion and fear are now taking hold. Please join us on Sunday as we try to make sense of this week of agony, and lament and grieve together. Read More 

Podrishioner Profile: Matt & Christina

Matt and Christina are podrishioners in Dallas, Texas. Matt first became acquainted with Woodland Hills when he heard Greg discuss American politics on a YouTube debate. Prior to COVID-19, Matt had been listening to WH podcasts and sharing them with his wife. Now they enjoy viewing the livestream together, especially the occasional Q&As. Read More 

Graduating Seniors

High school graduation is a significant milestone for many young people. Unfortunately as we all know, this year typical commencement ceremonies and traditional senior festivities have been cancelled and replaced with virtual stand-ins. To say this situation is a major bummer would be putting it pretty lightly. So, what can we do to encourage and celebrate Woodland’s class of 2020? Read More 

K-6th Grade Zoom Game Night

Calling all Kindergarten-6th graders from Heroes Gate! We are hosting our first ever Zoom game night! This will be a series of interactive games that the entire family can play, but will target the elementary age group primarily. Once you sign up, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom Game Night details and information on how to log in. You do not have to have a Zoom account to participate. Read More 

Food Shelf Update

Woodland Hills employees have stepped in to keep a food shelf running at our church by stocking shelves, packaging food and handing out boxes curbside. And the food shelf is busier than ever as we serve the our community. Read More 

Get Your Game On!

These days we’re asking a lot of questions. What day of the week is it? What’s the ideal 20 second hand-washing song? How do I stay connected to my family and friends? We’ll leave you to figure out the first two, but we’ve rounded up some online game ideas to help with the last one. Pull out your laptop, download an app, and get your favorite people together in a multiplayer game. Read More 

Podrishioner Profile: Christie Priem

“At Woodland, this ‘curse’ of mine is not a curse, but a blessing.”

You might ask, “What’s Christie’s curse?” She’s a theology buff, who loves questioning things. Before she found Woodland, she felt like her mind made her a troublemaker. That all changed when she heard Greg preach. Loving his brainy approach to the Gospel, she says, “I don’t feel like a troublemaker at Woodland because Greg is much more trouble than I could ever be. His digging and striving have blessed more people than we can imagine.” Read More 

The Power of Blessing

Words are powerful. Proverbs 18:21 says that our tongues hold the power of life and death. So, it seems, we are fully equipped to call forth God’s many blessings to those in need. The key in all of this is recognizing that God is at the center of it all. According to Christian writer Dallas Willard, “Blessing is the projection of good into the life of another. It isn’t just words. It’s the actual putting forth of your will for the good of another person. It always involves God, because when you will the good of another person, you realize only God is capable of bringing that.” Read More 

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"You have a great thing going and all of you touch our kids’ lives more than you will ever know or words could ever explain."

– Barb, WH parent