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Weekend Services & Events

Our weekend services are often the most visible and tangible expression of our church, and what many folks think of when they hear “Woodland Hills”.

We have a lot of different services that take place at our building each week! Learn more about:

Our main worship service on Sundays
Echo, our student ministry services
Healing Well, our weekly support group ministry

Below is a list of resources on our web site related this ministry. Feel free to use the filter checkboxes to narrow your search and easily find what you are looking for.

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New Series: Sermon on the Mount

When Jesus started preaching, he announced there was a new Kingdom in town and everyone was welcome to join. But what exactly was he inviting them to? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus lays out God’s vision for a whole new kind of world. In a way this sermon is his manifesto, his charter, his declaration for a new … Read More 

Our Plan for In-Person Services

As the Coronavirus situation evolves, we want to keep you informed about how we are making decisions to move forward, and how we hope to work our way back to a more normal church experience. One major decision that’s been made is to wait to hold in-person weekend services until at least this fall. This feels like a significant loss, but we feel it’s the best choice given the state of our community. Read More 

Grieving Together

Grief. Lament. Sorrow. For two weeks we have explored these emotions during our Sunday services. Now we feel the weight of them even more as we mourn the killing of George Floyd. And for many in our community, feelings of anger, confusion and fear are now taking hold. Please join us on Sunday as we try to make sense of this week of agony, and lament and grieve together. Read More 

Ministry Changes During Coronavirus

During this time of staying safely at home, our worship services will be streamed live each Sunday at 10am. Information on how to participate can be found here. In addition to our services, most of our ministries have also moved online… Read More 

Watch Live

Join us this Sunday morning for our worship service streamed live on YouTube. Read More 

Spring Events

Warmer days ahead! We have a lot of fun things happening this Spring, in fact, there’s something for everyone! Read More 

Ash Wednesday Photos

Thanks for joining us for our special Ash Wednesday service! It was a lovely evening of sharing a meal together followed by reflection and worship. Read More 

New Series: Listen Up

We believe in a God who speaks and listens; a God who is interested in conversation with us. But what about the times when he seems silent? How do we even know what his voice sounds like? And how do we break through all the static to hear him? In this series we discover the ways we can cultivate a listening life. Read More 

MLK Weekend

One of the events we look forward to every year is Martin Luther King, Jr weekend. As a church, we seek the kind of racial reconciliation and healing that Dr. King pursued in his life and activism. On Friday, January 17, we will screen the movie Freedom Song, and our weekend services on January 18-19 will focus on Dr. King’s vision for a more Kingdom-like world. Read More 

Winter Events

The holidays are over, so now what? Well, while we all wish and wait for warmer weather (or at least most of us), we’d like to share with you our events going on this winter! Read More 

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"I am a podrishioner that just wanted to say thanks for sharing Woodland Hills through podcasts and videos. This is my place to get a spiritual refill, and it’s where I get most of my teaching from. Since I've starting following you four years ago, my view on God, myself and other people has radically been changed. Thanks so much, and keep sharing the Kingdom!"

– Knut-Inge, from Norway