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Dan & May Workman

Dan’s Ministry:
There is nothing more exciting than sharing the good news of Jesus with someone. Through the evangelistic site questions2vie.com and follow-up demarreravecDieu.com, Dan is in touch with French speakers all over the world who are asking questions about God. Dan also gets to exercise his artistic side leading a team creating digital media to share the message of the gospel. The many ministries in France call on them to help communicate effectively. Whether it is graphics design, video, animation or illustration, Dan loves developing his creative skills.

May’s Ministry:
May is passionate about bringing clarity to complex problems, moving from chaos to organized systems. This skill of seeing complexity clearly served her well in the ten years she gave technical direction to the ministry in France and five years as the technical lead for Cru’s global donation system. All of this prepared her to be Cru’s Global Systems Architect.
A Systems Architect divides large and complex systems into manageable subsystems that can in turn be handled by a team of engineers. It might be hard to imagine a missions organization having such complexity but since each country has their own specific needs for systems that they all share, the chaos can be overwhelming.
May spends her days in meetings with people around the world, trying to understand their underlying problems and needs. She then endeavors to find high level solutions that can meet the needs from Latin America to Eastern Europe to Asia and North Africa.

They’ve been serving with Cru since 2001 and greatly appreciate the faithful support of Woodland Hills!

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Location: Rennes, France
Website: http://www.workmanrumpus.com
Contact Email: dan.workman@cru.org


"Woodland Hills is breaking chains for believers and shattering walls for non-believers. Truly an amazing church to be a part of."

– Ellie