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Pastor Emmanuel Sahai

Thirty-five years ago, the loving heart of God humbled me to serve his people.  Today by the Grace of God we are fulfilling the Great Commandment and Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. My burden is for those people who are the poorest of the poor, uneducated, lowest in today’s society, oppressed and low cast people. Today our ministry is spread over 11 different states of North India, where we make disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, encouraging and equipping local believers.

We also run a Bible Equipping Center (EC) in Delhi. In the last 5 years we have equipped and released 47 trained leaders into the field for ministry. They have gone back to their villages and are currently involved in ministry and pioneering new churches. Our vision is to equip pastors, youth and leaders to minister with the word of God.  This includes training in areas that will help support them with tentmaking work.

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Location: New Dehli, India
Website: http://www.niip.org
Contact Email: emmanuelgcc@gmail.com

North India Indigenous Partners
P O Box 10685
White Bear Lake, MN 55110


"My counselor emailed me the True You sermon from your Overwhelmed series to help me believe who God says I am, which was a game changer for sure."

– MK, from Arizona