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Was Junia a Female Apostle?


Questions surrounding the “Junia” of Romans 16:7 have been circulating for centuries in the Church. For the first 1,000 years of Church history, the vast majority of commentators agreed that this name should be translated as Junia, a woman's name.

Did Noah’s Flood Cover the Whole Earth?


There are several reasons to think that the Genesis flood was not global, but rather a regional event. “Regional” does not mean the flood was a small event, but rather a large land mass in a particular region flooded by a deluge.

Did a Fish Actually Swallow Jonah?


Creator God is certainly capable of making a fish large enough to swallow a human, and we even hear occasional reports of humans who were temporarily swallowed by fish, and yet survived! At the same time, we know the Bible is not a science textbook.

Did God Really Hate Esau?


Romans 9:13 states, “Just as it is written: ‘Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.’” Without background this is a disturbing verse! There are two pieces of contextual information that help us understand what Paul is saying.
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