What are some practical ways that we as believers in Jesus can be freed from deception? How can we help people who don't know Jesus to be freed from the deception that hinders them from pursuing a relationship with Christ?
I'm very skeptical by nature and have not embraced the concept of spiritual warfare and spiritual beings beyond our experience here on Earth. What led you to believe in the reality of spiritual forces?
This past year a major family secret came out that has affected many relationships among my siblings and our respective spouses and children. It involves a serious betrayal and lots of hurt. Some members of the family won't talk to each other now. We will all be getting together for Christmas this year at my parents' home. What can I do as a Kingdom person to help make this very difficult situation at least a little better?
I don't want my kids to be bitter toward a family member just because I have a negative past with them. How do I talk to my kids in a positive way about relatives with whom I have a difficult relationship?
At Woodland we see a significant difference between “forgiving” a person who has wronged us, and actually reestablishing a reconciled and trusting relationship with that person.
"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."