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House Rules

• Greg Boyd

As we continue our series in Colossians, we navigate a difficult teaching that was used to make a case that slavery was OK with God. In this sermon, Greg shows how this passage was a cultural teaching designed to teach about relationships that were never meant to promote slavery. wh-bug

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Topics: Family, Parenting, Relationships

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4 thoughts on “House Rules

  1. Kathy D. says:

    Wow, Greg, fantastic message! I like to take notes; so, I found myself stopping and starting the video, rewinding, starting, stopping, over and over, listening, my ears glued to the words, my imagination seeing the picture of our God coming into our mess to meet us where we are, over and over throughout scripture; I’ve heard similar messages from you before, and these message really help me see the Old Testament portrayal of God in a different light; like so many people I’m sure, I’ve always been confused by the God portrayed in the OT, verses the NT, when Jesus shows up and paints a seemingly conflicting vision of our Abba Father. So many gems in here. Thanks so much for your heart for Jesus; for how real you are when you share yourself, your passion, your intellect and studies of the Word. I get a lot from your messages about how to read the Bible, too – very helpful. The Lord bless you.

  2. Lindy Combs says:

    Podrishoner here, former member. Fantastic message. I attended WHC in 7/2008 – 8/2009. I MISS BEING THERE!!!!! Greg’s preaching and the whole thrust of WHC is soooo Kingdom.

  3. Peter says:

    While I enjoy Greg’s teaching, I find that recent messages have some disturbing elements. This seems to be evident when the discussion turns to God’s law and there is a protest from the heart when that seems harsh and unrelenting. Taken a step further one commentator has said,

    “This protest is often expressed by Christians in the form of antinomianism, or by simply reducing the law to demands which are so gentle, and so situational, that the strong true lines of its demands are all but eliminated.

    This is an age when many, if not all, forms of authority are being questioned. This must mean that forms of law are also in question. Within the Christian church many are questioning the old absolutes of the moral law. The coming of situational ethics has posed the question, ‘Was the law ever meant to be absolute or categorical?’”

    While I am not suggesting Greg of reaching that stage, there is a slippery slope here where those of weaker faith, may take that direction. Unfortunately the situation is not helped when Greg mentioned previously that God, “bent the rules” and suggesting that God’s laws are “barbaric”….by default, God is a barbarian….not a great word choice. If we find in the Garden of Eden that by breaking God’s law, man (male and female) dies to God on the basis of eating the forbidden fruit then what punishments are likely for more “severe transgressions”. Sure they may appear harsh, but they also underlie the strength of God’s love and His intolerance of sin.

    No, the issue missing here is grace, a word that seems to have dropped of the WHC radar screen in recent times. In part, Greg in a sense, is talking about it and to some extent describing it, but not naming it….the word grace was not mentioned once in this message, yet John says, (Jn 1:14) “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

    As the commentator observed,
    “In the Old Testament times they knew Him (God) to be the Truth, and to have Grace, but their mind was primarily upon the Law. When Jesus came he was full of grace and truth. That meant the Father was full of grace and truth.”….”‘It means that the sons of the Father are also full of grace and truth”.

    In many respects the whole issue of grace seems to be somewhat short changed, almost as if this is a new believer term that has a one line definition (aka God’s riches at Christ’s expense) and that’s it. Whereas grace is an extremely rich theme that is woven throughout the Bible that every believer is both daily dependent on and, as indicated above, should be part of the cruciform love that we display.

  4. M85 says:

    Greg’s teaching is so helpful in understanding the Old Testament in light of Christ and the cross. Thanks!

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