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Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

• Greg Boyd
Guest Panelists: David Morrow, Shawna Boren

In the midst of a culture of perpetual judgment, God has called the church to be a people of mercy. We will receive mercy to the degree that we offer mercy, and judgment to the degree that we judge. wh-bug

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Topics: Blessings, Peace, Relationships

Sermon Series: Sermon on the Mount, Unexpected

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The MuseCast : September 1

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13 thoughts on “Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

  1. Kathy Dunn says:

    A well needed, and timely messages; thanks Greg. All creation is in need of the church choosing the third way.

  2. Dawn says:

    For some reason this file won’t play on my IPad, and it just crashed my PC. Anyone else have that problem?

    1. Lyn says:

      Me too. It says ” this video is unavailable on this device”.

      1. Lyn says:

        Same message on laptop and TV, on facebook, WH website and you tube.

        1. Sarah Cassin says:

          Hello Dawn and Lyn (and anyone else who may notice the YouTube video is not working!) —

          I just wanted to let you know that we’re working on solving the issue. In the meantime, the video file for every sermon is always available for you to view and/or download right to your device. You can find it under “Downloads & Resources” Here’s the link for this weekend’s video: http://media.whchurch.org/2020/2020-08-30_Boyd_Mercy-Triumphs-Over-Judgment.mp4

          -Sarah from the Communications team

          1. Lyn says:

            Thanks, Sarah. I hope it all gets worked out so we can see the whole service.

  3. Matthew says:

    What does Christian judgement look like — both now and when Jesus returns? Is it always supposed to be merciful? Will it always be merciful?

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Hey Matthew,
      You might find listening to this sermon helpful:

      Some take aways:
      From Greg’s message, it appears we are unable to love and judge at the same time. Judgment results in separation from one another not a bridge to reconciliation. It’s important for us to separate good from evil, but also remembering that we are not the judge, God is. True judgment requires perfect character and wisdom, which we as humans do not have.

      1. Matthew says:

        Thanks so much Paige. Could you please point me to another resource as well?
        I find myself now saying I believe in the inerrant Word of God and his name is Jesus Christ, which immediately leads my inerrancy brothers and sister to ask:
        How can you know Jesus is the Word of God without the word of God that is the Bible? Has Greg or anyone on staff dealt with this issue? If so, a link would be appreciated.

        1. Paige Slighter says:

          Hey Matthew,
          You might find this resource helpful: http://whchurch.org/sermon_series/questioning-the-bible/
          – Paige from the Communications Team

          1. Matthew says:

            Thanks so much Paige. I just watched the video. It was very helpful.

          2. Paige Slighter says:

            Great! Glad you found it resourceful!

  4. Ray says:

    What a life changer this has been for me lately to have one ‘thought’ and ‘opinion’ about others to love and know, “EVERYONE has unsurpassable worth.” To pray blessings… instead of my ugly judging!

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"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

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