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Race Matters Q&A

• Dennis Edwards, Greg Boyd

We held a Q&A night to wrap up our Flesh and Blood sermon series. In the final sermon of that series we examined how racial reconciliation is a vital part of the gospel message. To further discuss this we asked Dennis Edwards, the Senior Pastor of Sanctuary Covenant Church, to join Greg for this Q&A on a Jesus-way of addressing racial issues within the church.

Individual questions can be found below, under Downloads & Resources, on the YouTube playlist.

Topics: Controversial Issues, Politics, Poverty, Reconciliation

Sermon Series: Flesh and Blood

Downloads & Resources

Audio File
Race Matters Q&A YouTube Playlist

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"Thank you for this ministry! It has transformed my life in some really radical ways. God has broken down so many barriers and exposed so many lies that have taken some serious burdens from my heart. It has given me hope, freedom and purpose I never could have imagined possible."

– Jenny, from Wisconsin