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Oct 21 2018 • David Morrow, Greg Boyd, Sandra Unger

If you’re a follower of Jesus you are part of a blended family. You have your biological or adopted family and you also have a spiritual family. Both families impact us in different ways, and both leave us with baggage for better or worse. Making these two work together can be dicey. In this series, we’ll discuss ways we have been shaped by our families, and ways in which our spiritual family can bring healing to the wounds created by our earthly families.

Sermons in this series:

Blended Q&A

• Greg Boyd, Kevin Callaghan, Sandra Unger

We wrapped up our Blended sermon series with a Q&A hosted by Greg Boyd, Sandra Unger and Kevin Callaghan. The audio and video media files, as well as the YouTube video, contain questions and answers from all three of our services on November 24/25, 2018.

Topics: Conflict, Family, Relationships


• David Morrow

This weekend, David wrapped up our Blended series with his sermon in which he modeled how we might unearth our roots, so that we might move forward in Jesus.

Topics: Conflict, Family, Forgiveness, Healing

Where’s Mommy?

• Greg Boyd

In the life of a Jesus follower, there is clear power in testimony. It has the ability to break down walls of mental defensiveness and justification, and speak directly to the deepest parts of another’s heart. We all carry wounds around with us as a result of the gap between what we needed and what we actually received. In this message Greg shares some of his personal journey in healing from the wounds passed on to him from his family.

Topics: Family, Forgiveness, Imagination, Relationships

Family Lines

• David Morrow

In this sermon of our Blended series, David talks about what we may inherit from our biological ancestors, how these attributes may have shaped the lives of future generations, and how to love our families for who they are, just as God loves us.

Topics: Conflict, Family, Grace, Reconciliation

A Tale of Two Families

• Greg Boyd

Greg starts off the first sermon of our new series titled Blended by examining how to scripturally navigate our biological and spiritual family systems.

Topics: Community, Family


"Thank you for this ministry! It has transformed my life in some really radical ways. God has broken down so many barriers and exposed so many lies that have taken some serious burdens from my heart. It has given me hope, freedom and purpose I never could have imagined possible."

– Jenny, from Wisconsin