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Sep 08 2019 • Dan Kent, David Morrow, Greg Boyd, Osheta Moore

In the past we dreamed of a future with jet packs, hover cars and robots. But few people imagined technologies like the internet and social media. They’ve transformed and improved our lives, but some things can get more complicated and confusing too. In our Interfaces sermon series, we’ll explore the potentials and pitfalls of online life and look at what it means to be Kingdom people in our digital world.

Sermons in this series:

Peacemakers Behind the Pixels

• Osheta Moore

As we continue our Interface series, this week Osheta explores how a Kingdom minded person can engage with social media as a peacemaker and avoid the pits of binary either-or thinking. The medium and anonymity of online life creates a temptation to leave behind self-control and humility in exchange for judgment and unsolicited advice. In this message, we look at 5 principles that can help keep us grounded in love as we engage in social media.

Topics: Controversial Issues, Culture, Faithfulness, Relationships

Bad Robots

• Dan Kent

Social media can control our lives, forming our minds and our actions without our even knowing that it's happening. While there is great benefit to social media, we must also recognize it's dangers and develop a plan to live differently. Otherwise, we will end up looking like we aren't part of God's kingdom.

Topics: Culture, Discipleship, Spiritual Warfare, Transformation

Sharing or Selling?

• Greg Boyd

Like many things, social media has such incredible power for good, but also an incredible power for evil. One way that this evil is manifested is through the temptation of presenting ourselves only at our best in order to get LIFE from social media approval. What is the Kingdom response to this temptation?

Topics: Culture, Discipleship, Relationships, Spiritual Warfare

Connection or Community?

• David Morrow

Why do we keep participating in social media even when it is not good for us? This week, David goes into three big reasons why we are drawn in, and what it could look like to live faithfully to the gospel in our hyperconnected world.

Topics: Community, Culture, Spiritual Warfare

How Did We Get Here?

• Greg Boyd

In this introductory message to our new series called Interface, which deals with a Christian’s role and interaction with technology, Greg walks through how we got to where we are, both as a human species as well as a Christian sub-culture. There is a general principle of proportionality that applies to all things including technology. It says a thing or person’s capacity for good is directly proportional to its capacity for evil. Greg walks through that exercise in counting the cost of our interaction with technology.

Topics: Controversial Issues, Culture, Individualism, Temptation


"I am so glad that for all the intellectual work Woodland Hills engages in, it has not forgotten the power and reality of the spiritual realm. Thanks for this."

– Matthew