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Kingdom Economics

Mar 07 2010 • Greg Boyd, Guest Panelists, Mary Anderson

All of us continue to be affected by the state of the economy, and based on recent surveys of our congregation and podrishioners, we know that people would like suggestions and advice about managing their money. To try and address some of these issues, we did a series called Kingdom Economics.

Downloadable Ways to Cut Spending Sheet

Downloadable Personal Spending Record

Sermons in this series:

Questionable Blessings

• Greg Boyd

In the final week of our “Kingdom Economics” series, Greg answers four questions that were submitted by the congregation and podrishioners. 1) Why doesn’t WHC teach tithing? 2) I’m broke! Didn’t God promise me I’d reap what I’ve sown? 3) If misfortune isn’t a “curse” from God, why think good fortune is a “blessing” from God? 4) Is America “blessed”?

Topics: Blessings, Controversial Issues, Money

Kingdom Economics Panel Discussion

• Greg Boyd, Guest Panelists, Mary Anderson

During the series, many people have sent in questions about their personal finances. Today we heard from a panel of people from Woodland Hills who responded to those questions with Kingdom of God principles.

Topics: Money

In God We Trust

• Greg Boyd

In week two of our “Kingdom Economics” series, Greg answers three questions that were submitted by the congregation and podrishioners. 1) Does having a savings account show a lack of faith in God? 2) Does saving for retirement show a lack of trust in God? 3) Is declaring bankruptcy a sin?

Topics: Controversial Issues, Faith, Money


"So many thanks for your wonderful messages and all you give to the world around you. I'm retired in Ecuador with no churches so really appreciate your online presence. So many Christians discourage questions, so this is refreshing, as are the Q&A sessions."

– Gretchen