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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Inner Exodus

• Dan Kent

We need spiritual disciplines which will shape us so that we can live in love toward ourselves. Fasting is such a discipline because it detoxes our dependence upon food and other pleasures, enabling us to receive what is actually fulfilling and whole. Dan Kent helps us to understand the role of fasting as we seek to love ourselves as God would have us to do.

Topics: Discipleship, Disciplines

Abiding in Christ

• Greg Boyd

In this sermon, Greg introduces the spiritual discipline of practicing the presence of God. This is simply the habit of living with an awareness of God’s nearness to us on a moment by moment basis. It is founded upon the invitation to abide in Christ, as he abides in us.

Topics: Disciplines, Prayer, Presence of God

Honest to God

• Greg Boyd

Greg introduces a new series on discipleship by explaining why spiritual disciplines are so crucial to our relationship and walk with God. Then he introduces us to the discipline of being honest with ourselves and with God about our lives.

Topics: Discipleship, Salvation, Temptation

Nothing but the Blood

• Cedrick Baker

Cedrick Baker brings a message on the victory that comes by the blood of Jesus. This victory is more than a legal declaration of personal cleansing of sin, it is an experience by those who embrace a life of cruciform participation. Following Jesus is not merely about belief; it costs us our lives, as it did the martyrs in John’s vision.

Topics: Holy Spirit, Pain & Suffering, Salvation

Hearing His Voice

• Greg Boyd

In this sermon, Greg challenges us to open our minds up to the idea that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, speaks to his sheep. This means that God speaks in a way that we can hear and follow him to the cross. Greg then explains the way that the voice of God works and how we can learn to listen.

Topics: God's Will, Prayer, Presence of God

Who or What Do You Worship?

• Greg Boyd

This sermon addresses the meaning of worship and what causes a person to express their praise to God. Greg also explains why worship is so crucial to our life in God and what it means to worship God in our daily lives with how we act on a day-to-day basis.

Topics: Discipleship, Imagination, Worship

Salvation Belongs to Our God

• Dan Kent

In this sermon, Dan Kent helps us understand the meaning of the proclamation “salvation belongs to our God.” While we might assume salvation is about personal sin and guilt, Dan demonstrates that it is much more extensive than that. He shows us that salvation is centered around God’s work to establish the rightful King of all creation.

Topics: Faith, Grace, Salvation

Radical Hospitality II

• Greg Boyd

In this sermon, Greg expands upon the call to be a people of hospitality as he highlights four specific groups of people who experience marginalization. As God has welcomed us in his divine hospitality, we also are to participate in God’s hospitality and show it to those who most need it. Opportunities that Greg mentioned: Immigrants, Refugees, Foreigners Arrive Ministries Prisoners Prison Fellowship, contact chris_salmon@pfm.org The Poor and Homeless Settled Walking with a Purpose The Corner Shelf Today's Harvest People with Cognitive Disabilities The TAP

Topics: Hospitality, Love

Radical Hospitality

• Cedrick Baker

Cedrick Baker reflects on God’s hospitality toward us, and challenges us to join God in the life of hospitality. Just as God has freely given his love to us, we can reach out to others and show them the kind of love that we have received. This is rooted in the scene in Revelation 7, of God’s people celebrating the open hospitality they have experienced through the work of the cross.

Topics: Grace, Hospitality, Love

Unity in Diversity

• Cedrick Baker, Greg Boyd, Jason Li, Rhouth Wei Zhou

This unique sermon is a challenge by four individuals who reflect on different aspects of being God’s unified people in the midst of diversity—a reality that is a gift of God—and divisiveness—a reality that is a mud pit of Satan. The four perspectives call us to put our weight into the dream of God’s gloriously diverse, but unified, kingdom where all live in love, even when circumstances stand against it.

Topics: Hope, Kingdom of God, Reconciliation

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"It's been so supportive to have a journey group leader since 7th grade that I have made a lasting relationship with for 6 years. She has helped me grow in my faith and has been there to check in!"

– Laura, high school student