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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

A Family Affair

• Greg Boyd

We’ve all dealt with issues in our families. In this sermon, Greg sets up the framework of understanding biblical family. This framework will help us understand how God wants us to relate to our families over the next five weeks of study. This sermon will make you go “hmmm”.

Topics: Community, Family, Identity in Christ, Relationships

Creator of the Little

• Greg Boyd

In Jesus, all things were created and are being sustained by him. Whether you think the world was created billions of years ago or 4,000 years ago, the only thing that matters is the sustaining breath of God. In this sermon, Greg tackles some of the ways in which we can view the interaction of science and faith. He also shows the beauty of a God who sustains the smallest things in this world.

Topics: Creation, Creation Care, Presence of God

Lessons From Karly

• Jeff Lexvold

Being joyful can be difficult during hard times. In this sermon, Jeff Lexvold shows us an inspirational tale of finding God in the darkest places. He also talks to us about how to pray continuously during these times. Finally, he shows us how to give thanks no matter the circumstances.

Topics: Faithfulness, Gratitude, Joy

God Look-Alikes

• Greg Boyd

We were created in God’s image, to represent Him on Earth. In ancient times, people would make statues to represent their gods, but we were commanded to represent God, not make statues. In this sermon, Greg talks about our value as God’s image and the role we play in this world.

Topics: Identity in Christ, Love, Presence of God

The True Image

• Greg Boyd

Jesus is the image of the invisible God. This is one of the most foundational parts of Christianity and perhaps the single most important truth in the world. There are many deceptive pictures of God, but understanding and knowing Jesus is central to finding the true picture of God.

Topics: Identity in Christ, Non-Violence, Presence of God

Body Parts

• Greg Boyd

To belong to Christ is to belong to his body, which is the church. Just as any body part can not survive without the other body parts, a person cannot follow Jesus purely on their own. We all have a role to play in this body and no part is worthless. Finding your place and function is important to belonging to the body of Christ.

Topics: Community, Individualism, Kingdom of God


• Greg Boyd

In Christian circles, we hear a lot about having “freedom from bondage.” Yet in our daily life, the bondage of sin can often feel more real than that freedom. While it may be something we receive as a gift, we're also called to have an ongoing active role in living out our freedom, allowing it to become the thing that defines us, over and above the world.

Out of the Darkness

• Greg Boyd

It’s impossible to live in this world and not see the evil that happens. This evil happens because of the free will of evil forces in creation. But there is hope in this darkness. In this sermon, Greg explains how we lived in the kingdom of darkness and have been brought into the Kingdom of God.

Topics: Grace, Kingdom of God, Nationalism

What’s God Thinking?

• Greg Boyd

Discerning God’s will can be difficult. In the final sermon of God Will Hunting, Greg offers some practical suggestions for knowing God’s will. He also tells stories that highlight how these suggestions work in the real world.

Topics: Calling, God's Will, Imagination

The Story of a Lifetime

• Sandra Unger

Sandra Unger guest speaks this weekend and tells a story of poverty and how to make a difference. She tells an all too familiar story of hope lost and continuing the cycle of poverty. Walking us through the biblical commands, Sandra points out how important it is to help the poor, but with something more important than money.

Topics: Generosity, Hope, Poverty

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"Thank you for this ministry! It has transformed my life in some really radical ways. God has broken down so many barriers and exposed so many lies that have taken some serious burdens from my heart. It has given me hope, freedom and purpose I never could have imagined possible."

– Jenny, from Wisconsin