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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Exercises in Everydayness

• Sandra Unger

At the turn of the new year, it is the time to think about resolutions, or things that we want to change in our lives. In this sermon, we learn about four exercises that will bring real change, the kind of change that will impact every aspect of our lives.

Topics: Discipleship, Disciplines, Simplicity


• Dan Kent

Dan wraps up our More Than a Name series with a special Christmas Eve service on Jesus’ name of Immanuel — what it really means that “God is with us”, and how we tend to carry this piece of scripture out.

Topics: Christmas, Hope, Peace

Everlasting Father

• Greg Boyd

Jesus is our everlasting Father. This is not a reference to Jesus actually being the first person of the Trinity. Instead it means the Jesus is our eternal source, which means that Jesus gives us an alternative narrative that empowers us to escape the narrative of death.

Topics: Christmas, Imagination, Love

Mighty God

• Greg Boyd

We often say that Jesus is the “mighty God,” but what exactly does that mean? How did he come and put on display the might of God? What does the Christmas story tell us about God’s might? The answers to these questions don’t fit common conventional thinking, but if we don’t understand the way that Jesus lived out the might of God, we miss everything.

Topics: Defense of Christian Faith, Discipleship, Power, Sacrifice

Wonderful Counselor

• Greg Boyd

In the Old Testament, a name is more than what someone is called. It points deeper to his or her character. In the first message of our More Than a Name Christmas series, Greg explores the context of Isaiah 9 and what it meant for Jesus to be prophesied as a Wonderful Counselor.

Topics: Calling, Christmas, Hope, Identity in Christ

A Walk on the Wild Side

• Dan Kent

We are designed by God to love nature, not just to live in it. This is seen in the fact that God often meets us through nature, as such encounters encourage our souls and enliven our bodies. Therefore, in a world that has little room for nature, we must adopt tactics that will open us up to God through nature.

Topics: Creation, Creation Care, Love

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

• David Morrow

God created us to live in love for others, however, we fall short of this reality. In this sermon, David explores three barriers to loving others: religion, political affiliations and hurry. Addressing these three barriers will not only change your experience of love with others, but also it will change how you love God.

Topics: Covenant, Love, Relationships

Look Closer

• Greg Boyd

One of the four directions of love is to love yourself. But not the old self that you inherited from the world. Rather, we are to love the self that God meant us to be. So today we look back on the old self we were before, and we remember the new self we are now in Christ.

Topics: Identity in Christ

Return to Innocence

• Greg Boyd

This weekend we continue our study of how attachment theory can be used as a descriptive tool for our connections in relationships with others as well as how we connect with God. How we have connected with others, both positively and negatively, is usually a good approximation for how we think of and connect with God. Some of this appears to be genetic, some a product of the nurture we received, and some a product of our own free will. In this message, we explore the role of free will in our development of healthy, secure connection as well as what healing looks like for someone who has formed unhealthy attachment mechanisms with themselves, others, and God.

Topics: Free Will, Healing, Love

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"My counselor emailed me the True You sermon from your Overwhelmed series to help me believe who God says I am, which was a game changer for sure."

– MK, from Arizona