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Food Drive 2022

In 2020, when Merrick Community Services had to redirect their staff to only one location, we rearranged our own staff tasks and resources to keep the food shelf here running. Currently, food prices are increasing and some of our usual sources of food donations have dried up. We need your help to continue feeding neighborhood families! Starting Sunday, March 6, we’ll be holding a food drive with a goal of bringing in 3,000 lbs of food by the end of the month. Read More 

Staying Connected

As we head into new seasons, we recognize how important it is to stay connected and grow alongside others. We hope you take advantage of our mix of in-person and online ministries that aim to help us all learn and grow together! Read More 

Lent 2022

Lent is an ancient practice going back to the early church. Traditionally Lent is a time of repentance and fasting, a humble reminder of Jesus’ forty day journey in the wilderness. We follow his example by denying the things that distract and separate us from growing in God’s love. While Protestants have tended to miss out on Lent, there is… Read More 

Blanket Drive: We did it!

Well done! You guys came through quick, and with the combination of blankets and money donations, we’ve collected about 150 blankets total! Our goal was to collect 100 full-size blankets within two weeks to donate to an emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness. Each family member who comes to the shelter is provided with a blanket, and recently these have … Read More 

Local Listener: Kate King

Many of the lessons I have learned about God from Woodland Hills have helped me get in touch with the presence of Jesus in my life and be at a place of peace in my faith. Read More 

Blanket Drive

Catholic Charities Housing Stability Division, one of our on-site partners, is also involved with an emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness. Each family member who comes to the shelter is provided with a blanket, and currently these are in very short supply. Our goal is to collect 100 new, full-size blankets/quilts in two weeks – and we did it, thanks to you! Read More 

Blood Drive

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood, but right now blood supplies are at dangerously low levels, and the Red Cross has declared its first national blood crisis. Between now and the end of March, we challenge everyone—congregation and podgregation—to collectively donate 500 pints of blood. Read More 

Skills for Bridging the Divide

Over MLK weekend, we talked about being “Forces of Light” — recognizing that no human is ever our enemy but rather our struggle is against the forces of darkness. Braver Angels is one organization putting this into practice by helping people bridge political divides in our polarized country. Read More 

Bless Your Enemies Card

Our theme for this year’s MLK celebration is “Forces of Light.” We remember that our struggle is not against other people, but against the forces of darkness, which Paul calls the “powers and principalities.” To make this practical, we’ve created an activity to bless your enemies this next month. Download the card here

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"Your gift of the website to those of us who are unable to attend is greatly appreciated. I am disabled and home-bound now. Having your website available to me has been such a blessing."

– Renae