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SEM: Stacy’s Story

For years I’ve been asking myself: “How do we mature in our faith in Jesus and the Bible?” and “How do we reconcile the church of the 21st century, particularly in America, with Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount?” SEM has provided the nourishment I seemed to lack for decades. Read More 

The Corner Shelf: Don’s Story

We are halfway through our food drive at The Corner Shelf as we celebrate National Nutrition Month, and so far we have brought in 551 pounds of food toward our goal of 2,000! The Corner Shelf serves a critical role in our community and gives us the opportunity to meet all sorts of people. One of the clients we’ve gotten … Read More 

Marital First Responders

If you’ve struggled to respond well when someone shares about their marriage—or secretly wished they would stop complaining and take your advice—this workshop is for you. Read More 

Costa Rica 2023

Camp Penuel, in Costa Rica, gives kids ages 7-11 a chance to get away from challenging situations and come to a space where they can just enjoy being kids while learning about the love of Jesus. Woodland Hills has been sending teams to support the camp staff since 2014, but this is the first team that has been able to make a trip since 2020. Read More 

What is… The MuseCast?

At the end of each weekend service, we throw in a plug for the MuseCast. Now, we pull back the curtain and take a look at its inner workings from the perspectives of our wise and witty hosts, Shawna Boren and Dan Kent. Read More 

Partner Profile: Walking With a Purpose

In December 2014, Todd Feske saw a Facebook post requesting clothing for the homeless. Todd had the option to drop donations at a shelter, but he wanted to know exactly who he was helping. As an avid hiker, he already knew of some camps in the area, so he collected hats, coats and scarves and made a few initial trips. He met two men who told him, “Sure, it’s Christmas time and everybody thinks about us now and then forgets about us the rest of the year.” Read More 

Pray for Syria & Turkey

On Monday, February 6, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit Turkey and Syria, killing over 20,000 people. In the aftermath, thousands of survivors are living without shelter in very cold weather and facing shortages of food, water, fuel and medicine. God’s heart is for the whole world, and in moments like these, we especially want to remember that. Read More 

Communitas: Church on the Street

Communitas Twin Cities is a WH partner ministry that has worked for 13 years with homeless and impoverished residents in downtown St. Paul. Starting as a “church on the street,” they bring church life to people who rarely feel seen or loved. Read More 

New Series: Unraveling Truth

“What is truth?” Pilate asked Jesus, and his question is still relevant today. Many of us believe we have moved beyond an age of absolutes, and that one person’s reality is just as good as another’s. With “my truth” and “your truth”, we sometimes find ourselves playing a game of “Whose Truth is it Anyway?” While it can feel that all truth is unraveling, what if instead, there is certainty at the core of all things? Read More 

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"It's been so supportive to have a journey group leader since 7th grade that I have made a lasting relationship with for 6 years. She has helped me grow in my faith and has been there to check in!"

– Laura, high school student