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Can a Christian Use Marijuana?


Where marijuana use is illegal, this is an easy answer! We reject using illegal substances in keeping with the Scriptural teaching to “be subject to the governing authorities.” (Romans 12:1-2). But what about in a context where marijuana is legal? In such a context, this question would be no different than the questions of whether a Christian can drink alcohol or use tobacco products.

To begin, we recognize that marijuana has important medical uses. Second, we also recognize that the Bible teaches us that individual conscience plays a part in deciding certain matters (Galatians 5:13; 1 Corinthians 8:10-13). This means that Christian sisters and brothers may disagree on whether the use of marijuana is appropriate or not.

Here are a few other things to consider when discerning the use of various mood-altering chemicals:

  1. A number of mood-altering chemicals are known for “lowering inhibitions,” which, in Christian parlance, is another way of saying “making it easier to give into temptations that we should be resisting.” Anything like this that hampers growth in a Christ-like character should be an obvious spiritual obstacle to avoid.
  2. Many mood-altering chemicals have potentially negative effects on one’s physical health.
  3. Using a drug that has potential for dependency (either physical or psychological) is problematic when we are called to “liberty” and freedom from bondage to anything.
  4. Throughout most of human history, mind-altering drugs have been used by various cultures as a way to open oneself up to the spirit world. For example, many cultures that practice spirit possession rituals use mind-altering drugs to make the possession experience more accessible (e.g., religions like Yoruba, Voodoo, Umbanda, Santeria, etc.). So, we should maintain a heart-attitude of spiritual discernment whenever we consider the use of mood-altering chemicals.

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