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What Should Christians Do about Abortion?


Woodland does not endorse any particular political position or politician on the issue of abortion. Based on Scripture, we affirm the preciousness of life in the womb, and we commit to encouraging and assisting women to go through with their pregnancy, while also committing to graciously assisting in the healing process of women who have chosen otherwise.

Kingdom people are called to a strong, self-sacrificial, pro-life commitment, but we do not confuse our Kingdom calling as followers of Jesus with the political processes of the United States. The typical American Christian approach has turned the national debate over abortion into a grid-locked political/legislative issue. It is a complex debate, and not one that we, as a church, feel called to engage in through our culture’s divisive and seemingly futile political machinery.

Our actual calling is to step self-sacrificially and humbly into concrete situations where our love, sacrifice and support can truly save unborn lives in everyday situations in the here and now.

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