Does Sex Automatically Create Marriage? NERDINESS: In 1 Corinthians 6:16, Paul writes: “Do you not know that whoever is united to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For it is said, ‘The two shall be one flesh.’” So, does this mean that sex creates a marriage? Read Answer
How Can I Convince My Gay Friends to Come Back to Church? NERDINESS: How can I convince my gay friends to come back to church? Many of them feel that the Church and God have rejected them. Read Answer
Are Biblical Eunuchs Referring to LGBTQ+ People? NERDINESS: Do you think that some of the verses in the Bible referring to eunuchs are referring to LGBTQ+ people? Read Answer
What Should I Do if My Spouse Stops Attending Church? NERDINESS: My wife recently stopped attending church. How do I maintain being equally yoked if we no longer have that connection? Read Answer
Why Doesn’t the Bible Talk About Widowers? NERDINESS: Why doesn't the Bible show any care for widowers? Read Answer
Why Won’t We Be Married in Heaven? NERDINESS: Why do most Christians think we won't be married to our earthly spouses in heaven? Read Answer