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Sermon on the Mount

Jul 26 2020 • Cedrick Baker, Dan Kent, Emily Morrison, Greg Boyd, Jim Beilby, Meghan Good, Osheta Moore, Sandra Unger, Shawna Boren, Tara Beth Leach

When Jesus started preaching, he announced there was a new Kingdom in town and everyone was welcome to join. But what exactly was he inviting them to? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus lays out God’s vision for a whole new kind of world. In a way this sermon is his manifesto, his charter, his declaration for a new way of life. But it’s far more surprising, beautiful and astonishing than any human system could ever be. Over the next several months, we’re taking a deep dive into the kind of world that comes to life when Jesus followers bring God’s Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.

Sermons in this series:

What’s Your Story?

• Greg Boyd

In this introductory sermon to a new series on spiritual practices, Greg lays the foundation for why we embrace such practices by identifying narratives that undermine our adopting them, and proposing a biblical narrative that will naturally and organically compel us to make them part of our lives.

Topics: Discipleship, Identity in Christ

The Core Issue

• Greg Boyd

To love our enemy, we must understand two core issues. First, we can only love when we are allowing Christ to meet our core needs. Secondly, all people share the same basic core needs, but they fall into the trap of trying to meet them in false ways. 

Topics: Identity in Christ, Love

Jesus’ Third Way Response to Evil

• Greg Boyd

How do we respond to evil? There are three options: We can respond in kind, we can cower to it, or we can opt for Jesus’ third option. This sermon explores the third option and challenges us to combat the evil of our world by offering an unexpected response.

Topics: Non-Violence, Peace

God, Sex and Family

• Greg Boyd, Lambers Fisher, Paul Eddy

Please note that this message has some "PG-13" content that may not be suitable for kids. This panel discussion serves as a wrap-up to the series on sex, marriage and singleness, as the panelists address practical issues around these topics.

Topics: Love, Marriage, Sexuality

Reality Over Legalities

• Greg Boyd

Jesus’ words about divorce appears to provide a technical reason for justifying the breaking of the marriage covenant. Is this what this passage really means, or is there something more significant that Jesus was saying? This sermon provides an unexpected answer to this question.

Topics: Divorce, Love, Marriage

The Myth of Romantic Love

• Emily Morrison, Greg Boyd

In this sermon, Greg challenges the modern myth of romantic love, providing three reasons why it derails us from entering into a biblical view of marriage. Also, Emily Morrison provides a reframe for understanding how singleness plays a part in God’s family.

Topics: Community, Family, Marriage

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– Ellie